Monday, January 26, 2009

Seek First

My purpose, that which I should place first in my life: to seek His righteousness.

Matthew 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." NIV

His righteousness, His kingdom, my purpose. No matter what the world says, what my family says, what is politically correct, I need to listen first to God and ask Him my purpose is for Him. How would He have me talk, behave, feel, believe. The world is closing in on us and the pressure increases to bow tot he politically correct. The TV shows, the news, the politicians and the "thinkers" all tell me how I should behave, believe, tolerate and uphold that which God has not called me to follow. The pressure is at times intense: at work, at the dinner table, in discussions with friends, while researching a paper for class -- all these things war at me with the purpose that God has for me. I feel alone...until I am reminded that He is with me. My purpose, no matter what the world may say, is to first seek Him, His kingdom, and His rigtheousness. In that way, I am fulfilling all that He has called me to do in my life.

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